Our Level 1 Wholistic Life Coaching Certification training framework explores your personal goals as a coach and considers your desired target audience providing comprehensive and engaging content which addresses your specific coaching needs. You will be provided with the necessary knowledge and skills to become an effective holistic life coach.
Our Level 2 Wholistic Life Coaching Certification framework provides more advanced training, building upon the foundation established in Level 1. It equips coaches with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their practice, navigate complex client situations, and build a successful and sustainable coaching business.
Our Level 3 Wholistic Life Coaching Certification program focuses on mastery, leadership, and creating a lasting impact. In conjunction with your own experience and learning from our level 1 and level 2 programs, it equips with the skills and knowledge to guide others through profound transformations, contribute to social change, and shape the future of the coaching profession as a Master Coach.